Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Peach Frozen Yogurt

Peaches on sale, plus a lonely tub of vanilla Greek yogurt, plus an ice cream maker, equals..... Peach frozen yogurt!

32oz tub vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup fine sugar
3-4 peaches, peeled and cubed

This was profoundly easy! Peel and chop the peaches. Using a spice grinder, pulse the sugar until powdery. Set up your ice cream maker, and assuming yours works the same way mine does, turn it on and pour in the yogurt. Pour in the sugar and allow it to mix in. Add in the peaches in small batches, using care not to overfill the machine. Mine takes about 20 minutes for soft serve. Remove from the machine, place in an air tight container, and freeze for 1-2 hours, and serve! Hope you enjoy! 

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