Monday, May 21, 2012

Kale Chips

And now for the simple!

I discovered kale, more specifically kale chips, while looking for healthy crunchy snack alternatives. It sounded pretty ok, and I've had other veggie chips before, so I gave it a shot!

To Google I go:

Olive oil

Really? That's it? Well that's right up my alley! I picked up two bunches of kale and headed to my kitchen.

I preheated the oven to 275(f), then cut the leaves off the stem, tossed them in olive oil, and laid them out on a baking sheet and sprinkled with salt. They take about 10-20 minutes per side, but keep a close eye on them, because burned, or browned kale is nasty! I took them out as each one started to feel crispy. I got to know what that looked like after a few singed finger tips. They are a bit of an acquired taste, but they fulfill the snack attack need for something crunchy and salty! Hope you enjoy!

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