Monday, May 14, 2012

Lamb Chop Pops

A few days ago I was feeling the urge to cook something completely new to me. I headed for the meat counter, and a few lamb chops sat all by themselves. I had never made lamb, and my husband had been begging me to make it for months, so... Now for sides... Salad... Ok, what kind? Romaine? No... Ice b- hell no... Water cress?? Uhh, sure! Starch... Potatoes? No... Cauliflower mash? I think I can do that! Ok done. A nice complete meal, and I have never prepared any of it!

6 Lamb Chops
2 Stems of fresh rosemary
2 Cloves of garlic
Salt and Pepper

Watercress greens
Red onion, thinly sliced

1 Head of cauliflower, steamed
Butter, salt and pepper to taste

I googled lamb chop recipes to get an idea of what I was in for beyond my most basic of ideas, and came up with fresh rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper. Sear in a nice hot pan. Meanwhile, steam the cauliflower, and thinly slice some red onion. A put the cauliflower in the blender, added milk until I got the consistency I wanted, butter, salt and pepper, and out came some awesome mash!! Plating: a couple spoons of the mash and arrange the chops against it. Add a little pile of watercress topped with the onion, and serve!

My husband took a bite and closed his eyes as he slowly chewed. Yup, I did good!

No homemade dessert this time. That came from the bakery section.

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