Thursday, June 21, 2012

Banana's a la pyro!

Banana's a la pyro! Yummy yummy yummy!!!

So I wanted tomake something a little (emphasis on the "little"!) on the lighter side(ish) for dessert tonight, so off toGoogle I went to search for some suggestions. I ran across a sort of bananasfoster with frozen yogurt, only theirs was wrapped and broiled and I wanted topan fry it. Why? Well because one recipe called for doing that and a little flambĂ©with banana liqueur, and it's no secret how much I like doing that!

2 ripened bananas
1 pint vanillaGreek yogurt
1/2 cupblueberries
1Tbsp sugar
1Tbsp brown sugar
2tsp cinnamon
3Tbsp bananaliqueur
2Tbsp light agavenectar
1tsp vanillaextract
1Tbsp butter
1/2 cup semi-sweetchocolate
3 mint leaves
1/8 cup slicedtoasted almonds
1Tbsp heavy cream

Combine theyogurt, agave and vanilla. Either use an ice cream maker or freeze and stirVERY often.

Combine theblueberries and sugar in a bowl. Bruise the mint leaves and add in with theblueberries, stir to combine, and set aside.

Using a doubleboiler, or the microwave, melt the chocolate, half the butter, and the cream.

Now for thebananas. Slice the bananas in half length-wise then width-wise, remove thepeel, and sprinkle on the cinnamon and brown sugar. Melt half the butter in apan until it starts to brown, then add the bananas flat side down first. Letthem fry for a few minutes or until they've browned some, then flip (carefullybecause they're a lot softer now) and cook for a couple more minutes. Now forthe fun part! (Safety note: as always, BE CAREFUL! I take no responsibility forany adverse outcomes! Don't touch the pretty flames, don't pour the burningliquid into anything, keep your sleeves out of the way... Just be smart, K? Itrust ya!) Sprinkle a bit more brown sugar onto the bananas, then pour theliqueur into the pan and light it. Swirl gently to ensure all the alcohol burnsoff. This will also slightly caramelize the brown sugar you just added. Oncethe flame is out, remove and place on your plate. Top with the frozen yogurt,blueberries, chocolate, sprinkle with the almonds, and serve! Hope you enjoy!

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